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Tag Archive for Feast Days

Have you prayed St. Faustina’s Prayer of Surrender to God?

Have you prayed St. Faustina’s Prayer of Surrender to God?

Why do we exalt the Cross?

Why do we exalt the Cross?

Which saint saved her city from pirates?

Which saint saved her city from pirates?

What is the meaning of the Transfiguration?

What is the meaning of the Transfiguration?

St. Mary Magdalene’s life after the Gospels

St. Mary Magdalene’s life after the Gospels

What is a “votive” Mass?

What is a “votive” Mass?

Why is July the Month of the Precious Blood?

Why is July the Month of the Precious Blood?

How long was John the Baptist in the desert?

How long was John the Baptist in the desert?

Why do Catholics light bonfires on June 23rd?

Why do Catholics light bonfires on June 23rd?

What does the Sacred Heart symbolize?

What does the Sacred Heart symbolize?